COVID 19 Chicago: O’Hare is buzzing with holidaymakers ahead of Christmas 2020 despite coronavirus pandemic

CHICAGO (WLS) – Thursday looks set to be another busy day at O’Hare airport as last-minute travelers catch their flights just in time to arrive at their destination for the Christmas break.

But here’s a little perspective.

Between Sunday and Tuesday of this week, about three million people across the country were screened by TSA. That’s a lot of people, but last year that number was nearly seven million on those same dates. It’s a dramatic cut as most people choose to either stay on vacation or travel by car.

The state’s top doctor, Ngozi Ezike, warns people not to travel and spend the vacation alone with people in their household, but at the same time, she acknowledges that many people will not listen.

“I know some of you will not or cannot. And for those of you, I ask you to think about additional safety precautions you can take while you travel, while collecting, that can make the visits a bit safer, ”Ezike said.

RELATED: Vacation Travel for the First Time in Over Ten Years; few are still on the road despite the COVID-19 pandemic

When traveling, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises:
1. Consider testing one to three days before departure.
2. Get your flu shot before doing this

3. Check travel restrictions before you go.
4. Bring extra supplies, such as masks and hand sanitizer.
5. Know when to postpone your trip. Do not travel if you or your travel companions are sick.
6. Keep your distance from others as far as possible and keep your nose and mouth covered at all times while in public areas within busy transportation options.

RELATED: Millions are expected to travel for Christmas, worrying about the post-holiday spike

In total, 84.5 million Americans are expected to travel during the 12-day vacation period. However, the vast majority of them, about 96% according to AAA, will do this by car.

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