Cost of the dollar. Lose weight and is over $ 21

Mexico City

The weight operated in negative territory against the dollar after the speech of Jerome Powell Federal Reserve Chairman (fed, for the abbreviation in English), on the direction of the economy and monetary policy U.S.

The exchange rate is at 21.13 pesos per dollar, so the national currency loses 0.95 percent, according to data from Bloomberg

In banks such as Citibanamex the dollar sold to 21.60 pesos, compared to 21.25 at the start of the session.

The president of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, reiterated its commitment to keep the cost of credit down and keep the money flowing until Americans return to work, and rebutted investors who openly doubted that it could deliver on its promise once the pandemic is over and the economy moves forward on its own.

With the deployment of vaccines and the opening of the government’s tax taps, “there is good reason to think we will soon make more progress” towards the goals of the fed maximum employment and 2 percent sustained inflation, he said Powell in a forum of Wall Street Journal.

Real time dollar

