Congressmen urge Biden to include monthly stimulus checks in COVID relief plan

Democratic Representative Ilhan Omar, along with more than 50 progressive MPs, sent a letter to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris asking for monthly stimulus checks to be included in the new COVID-19 plan.

In the letter published by Politico, Omar assures that it is imperative that the $ 1.9 billion plan presented by Biden, which includes a comprehensive vaccination plan, also receive recurring checks because “one is not enough.”

The letter does not say how much they would like to ask of this monthly check, but it does describe the benefits it would have for the recovery of the economy.

According to the petitioner’s representative and co-signers, the checks should go to guest workers, refugees, adults, dependents and persons over 16 who are still being claimed.

The strategy would be to create automatic payments through the IRS for those eligible households.

“Many families cannot wait six months between payments,” the letter reads.

The stimulus package proposed by Biden includes a third check for $ 1,400 that would complete the $ 2,000 in aid that the president wants to quickly convey to the public.

However, the distribution of this money has not yet been approved and it is not clear whether the conditions for receiving it are the same.

Meanwhile, according to Forbes, Democrats are preparing to introduce a process of budget reconciliation so they can pass the third check without needing Republican backing.

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