Colorado in ‘fourth wave’ of pandemics as the state prepares to exchange control with local governments

DENVER – Colorado officials said Friday the state is in a fourth wave of the pandemic, with more than half of new cases being caused by alarming variants and with increasing numbers of cases and hospitalizations in people over the age of 18- 50 years. But the state still plans to hand over control of the electoral system and restrictions to the local counties within a week.

Gov. Jared Polis said Friday that it is currently “a time of great concern” for Colorado, with multiple factors peaking at the same time.

On Friday, about 1.2 million people were fully immunized in Colorado, and nearly 2 million received their first dose. A majority of the population of Colorado over the age of 50 is now fully vaccinated and the state has opened vaccine eligibility to anyone over the age of 16, with more vaccinations expected in the coming weeks.

At the same time, Colorado reported nearly 2,000 COVID-19 cases on Friday, including more than 1,500 new cases, 69 new hospitalizations, and a seven-day mean positivity rate of 5.65%, which continues to rise. There were also 454 hospital beds in use by confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patients.

The state will hand over local control of the COVID-19 calling system and business restrictions to Colorado counties on April 16, as the state also sees alarming variants increase in numbers.

Polis and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment officials stressed that they believe this will be the fourth and final wave of the pandemic, but said the severity of it would be left to the Coloradans and whether they would mask a few more weeks. indoors and around others, not congregating with many others, and following the steps that have penetrated residents here for 14 months now.

Colorado officials say the state is now in the fourth wave of COVID-19 case peak

“It’s a little bit different,” Polis said of this current wave. He and CDPHE State Epidemiologist Dr. Rachel Herlihy explained that this wave is now affecting younger Coloradans aged 18-50, who were usually unable to sign up for vaccination until recent weeks.

Since people 50 and older, and especially 70 years and older, are much more likely to die from complications from COVID-19 and are vaccinated in greater numbers than younger people, officials expect this wave to include fewer deaths and hospitalizations.

But they still warned that people of all ages could have fatal or serious long-term outcomes caused by the virus, especially as more variants considered more transmissible and potentially more intense are sweeping Colorado.

Herlihy said the state had now identified 12 cases of the P.1 variant currently plaguing Brazil in Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield and Denver counties. The CDPHE announced earlier this week that two cases of that variant had been identified in Boulder County.

She said scientists think there were multiple releases of the variant to Colorado, including one person who traveled internationally.

Colorado has now first identified nearly 1,500 cases of the B.1.1.7 variant in the UK, which was part of what led to the sharp spike in cases and hospital admissions in Michigan and is now the most common variant in the US is found.

There have been two dozen cases of the South African variant B.1.351 and nearly 500 cases of the California variant, called B.1.427 or B.1.429.

As such, Herlihy said, Coloradans who now contract COVID-19 are more likely than not to be infected with a variant of the species.

She presented data demonstrating the effects of the vaccine on older populations versus the age groups who were less likely to receive the vaccine until recently: cases and hospital admissions among people 50 and older stagnated or declined, while cases and hospitalizations among people aged 50 and over 18-49 years are steadily climbing.

“That’s the good news here,” Herlihy said, adding that people should follow COVID-19 protection protocols until cases start to decline among all age groups.

Polis urged everyone to get vaccinated as soon as possible and live like February and March in the meantime to try to reduce the number of cases and hospital admissions, which now include more young people than in previous periods of the pandemic.

But this fourth wave is happening alongside the April 16 move to put the electoral system in the hands of local governments, which Polis said on Friday will “be able to better adapt their resources” and communicate with the local population. He said the state would continue to work closely with local governments to help tailor their plans, and pushed for regional coordination.

Denver officials have said they are working with other counties on the metro to develop a plan. The Tri-County Health Department said Friday it would likely have a final new public health order Friday night, while Jefferson County Public Health said it would have a plan early next week.

The last two health departments both said they would maintain some restrictions at least until May.

“We are confident that our local public health agencies, cities and counties will continue to be the most effective messengers,” said Polis.

The governor added that he believes the end of the ski season will lead to lower numbers in Colorado counties with ski resorts as the ski season ends in many resorts in the coming weeks. But he said there was greater concern about increasing levels in the Denver metro area and the Colorado Springs metro area.

“This wave is different from other waves. We have successfully protected the most vulnerable of Colorado. That means that the ratio between deaths and disease incidence will be lower. It doesn’t mean we won’t lose more Coloradans, ”said Polis. “… And that’s why it’s important – if you haven’t been vaccinated, it’s important to wear your masks, be outside if you have to see others until you have the chance to get vaccinated. And please get vaccinated for the next few weeks. “
