Colegio Election Certificates Mientras en Georgia votes for the definition of escaños del Senado | Univision Elecciones and EEUU 2020 notices

La Corte Suprema de Estados More information about viernes not a single vote in the Texas polemica for invalid electoral results a new clave and a revertir as the demo of the Joe Biden demo. See trataba del Donald Trump’s one and only president and the full version of the Victorian demo.

“Texas no ha demostrado un interés judgment que sea reconocible respecto a la manera and the que otro estado realiza sus elecciones. El resto de mociones pendientes quedan desestimadas”, the judicial tribunal in una orders.

La demanda buscaba anular los resultados in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and WisconsinConsider todos como estados ‘campos de batalla’. Queued up, in the Texas tax general, it is one of the most important states in the United States, but in favor of the price and process of eating process and for local laws.

Es por eso que la corte the current position of the plums, it is one of the days in the queue 538 miles from the Colegio Electoral Body and the principal of the respective positions for an efectuar or the presidency of the Congress of the Congress or a period of 6 de Enero.

La decisión debería poner fin a los incesantes –y hasta ahora infructuosos– esfuerzos de la campaña and aliados de Trump for reversing the results of the 3 de noviembre presidenciales.

This is one of the first years of a centenarian lawmaker and a Trump president, or an expert and a Derecho round out. En la víspera, asimismo, Pennsylvania offers a catalog of a “judicial for justice system”.

The name of the house and residence has been petitioned for a certificate from Victoria de Biden in Pennsylvania for a term without comment.
