Clayton Kershaw ‘absolutely’ is considering Dodgers return to Los Angeles

Clayton Kershaw quelled some questions about his future with the Los Angeles Dodgers, saying on Sunday that he would “absolutely” consider re-signing with the team after his contract expires this season.

The future Hall of Fame pitcher turns 33 less than two weeks before Opening Day and with that long elusive championship in his back pocket, there is an impression that this could possibly be his last year in baseball, let alone with the Dodgers.

That perception was bolstered by a Los Angeles Time profile published earlier this month in which Kershaw said he hadn’t discussed an extension with the Dodgers and wasn’t sure he wanted one.

“I am from year to year,” said Kershaw during his first media release of the season. “I want to re-evaluate at the end of each year to see how we are doing – as a family, myself personally, where we are as a team – and then make a decision from there. I have no intention of hanging them. 32. I feel like I have more years in the tank.

“If you ask me now, I still love to play, I feel healthy now, I feel like the ball is coming out well. I’m looking forward to this year, and that’s really all I meant. [by his answer in the LA Times profile] I’m focused on this year trying to win a World Series, and after this year we’ll figure things out. “

Kershaw is a three-time Cy Young Award winner who has already cemented his place as Hall of Famer for the first ballot. But he experienced something of a career renaissance during the shortened 2020 season, returning to some lost speed to end the regular season with a 2.16 ERA, 62 strikeouts and only eight walks in 58 1/3 innings.

Kershaw signed a $ 93 million three-year extension shortly after the 2018 season and will earn $ 31 million in the final year of his deal, part of that as a signing bonus.

The Dodgers will cross the luxury tax threshold this year and have accepted the strong possibility that they will do so again in 2022. They also have the upcoming free agencies of Corey Seager (after the 2021 season), Cody Bellinger (after 2023) and Walker Buehler (after 2024) to consider.

But those decisions are not expected to affect their ability to retain Kershaw, a source familiar with the team’s thinking told ESPN. If Kershaw finally wants to stay in LA after 2021, the Dodgers would be motivated to figure out a way to make this happen.

“I love being here,” said Kershaw. “I love the Dodgers, I love everything about this organization. I feel really lucky to have been given as many opportunities as I have had to win a World Series, and now that we’ve finally won one, you don’t have to. just. That’s not a matter of course. I really enjoyed my time here and will continue to do so. “
