Classic Half-Life 2 Mod Neotokyo is getting a single player spin-off

Illustration for article entitled Classic Half-Life 2 Mod Neotokyo Gets A Single Player Spin-off

Statue NEOTOKYO ° Kshatriya

Neotokyo is an absolute classic for PC games, a (somehow) free mod for Half-life 2 that remains one of the most beautiful and coolest multiplayer shooters in the world. And now, 12 years after its initial release, it has a single player experience for fans to keep playing.

NEOTOKYO ° Kshatriya is a bit rusty on the edges, but essentially gives a lot Neotokyo fans got exactly what they wanted from the original: the chance to really explore the cyberpunk streets in a more relaxing and immersive way than was possible in multiplayer maps.

Although made by different people, this is a product of SerygalaCaffeine, with the original creators of Neotokyo starting to work on things like (surprise!) Deus Ex and Ghost in the shell– many of the to feel from Neotokyo

You can download and try a demo here
