All the current information about the result, the Claro is a crecimiento and a ventas of 46% and the customer of the band, móvil en fija y ofreció datos is the plan of inversion and mejoras en su red.
“Separate logos of 2020 regardless of the proofs and proofs of the customer; + 6% for customers, + 46% for Internet use and for the Internet, for TV programs with a TV with 41% for new accessories for new stories, ‘airpods’, ‘buttons’ y “covers” with 111% de aumento en comparación con el año pasado. Además, invertimos en una sólida expansión and soterrado de la red de fibra óptica, the más grande in Puerto Rico ”, explicitly Enrique Ortiz de Montellano, president and chief official ejecutivo of Claro.
See an amount of $ 1.2 billion and an inversion of 2015. “A tono con esto, an empresa invirtió este a $ 161 millones for a reinforcement of the cobertura de su red móvil y fija, con elepósito de mantenerse à la vanguardia y proven your customer is a service-oriented and a higher internet requirement for 40%. A modernization of a celular for a mayor and for 99% the ellas conexión de fibra óptica “, explains.
Mayor despliegue de Fibra Óptica
The storage is with a capacity of 17,500 kilos of cable, with a maximum of 300,000 casa with a capacity of 1,000 megas. Check out the available speeds of 1000 Mbps, the storage capacity of the incremental speed and the speed of the Internet and much more with an alcanzar Terabits, the managerfácil and the futuro.
To recomendamos:
Implementation of the virtualización of the CORE of the red de servicios móviles and fijos
The CORE is the cerebro of the red service and the permanent monitoring of the communication of the data and the data, the function of the red and the red and the process-based information time. Is vital for Real Time and 5G aplicaciones. The core of the implementation is a preparation for setting up a service company and the future of the continuity of exponential development.
FCC selects a Claro for an impulsive banda ancha en la Isla
Click here to select the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for impulsive and high-speed Internet access and con velocidades de descarga de al menos 100 Mbps con al menos 1 Gigabit per segment and 35 municipalities. There is a beneficiary of more than 308,000 Puerto Rico eligible users on a service network.
Ganadores de espectro for impulsar 5G on the Isla
The otro lado, the main ganadora in Puerto Rico the reciente subasta de espectro of the banda de 3.5 GHz, the current agricultural capacity and a red existing, indispensable for the desarrollo of 5G on the Isla. The empresa pond and the función 113 sitios with 5G and 67 municipalities.