Chivas: Uriel Antuna has been ‘encouraged’ and answers the opponents of José Juan Macías

Presented during an interview for TUDN, the footballer of the Chivas Rayadas de Guadalajara Uriel Antuna, came out in defense of his team-mate José Juan Macías, having been the target of much criticism from fans and the press in recent weeks for his lack of purpose and productivity towards the brand.

Along the same lines, Antuna pointed out that all Guadalajara players must contribute their grain of sand to move the team forward and not leave all offensive responsibility to a single player, in this case Macías, simply because they are the forward. of the team.

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On top of that, he explained that one of the reasons the last tournament did well for Chivas was that all the players on the squad contributed with goals and helped Guadalajara to top the table.

Uriel Antuna during the match with Chivas. Photo: JAMMEDIA

“Just as Macías is important, each of us is important, it’s a team issue, several of us have scored a lot of goals. This is part of playing as a team ”, he stated.

“We can’t wait to be dependent on one player. I believe in him a lot and there is always confidence, but each of the 11 on the field is also important, ”he added.

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