China is preparing for a possible war with Taiwan

Beijing, China.

China continues to provoke Taiwan and to the international community by resending combat aircraft To make military exercisess near the territory of the island as preparations for a impending war, Local media reported this on Monday.

The Chinese military aircraft often entered the Taiwanese airspace during the last 30 days, as condemned by the island authorities. The burglaries of Beijing are considered to be “preparatorys to a possible war “, the Chinese media warned Global Times.

The Ministry of Defense of China had already warned last week that “the independence of Taiwan sI ignificawage wardays after inauguration of Joe Biden as new president of U.S.

“We tell it seriously Independence Forces of Taiwan: those who play with fire end up on fire and the Taiwan Independence it means war, ”said ministerial spokesman Wu Qian at a press conference in Beijing on Thursday.

In this sense, Wu indicated that the Chin armyor conducts military maneuvers in the Strait as part of a response ‘to the interference of outside forces and to the provocations of the pro-independence forces of Taiwan “.

See: This is the mighty Chinese army preparing for war

The People’s Liberation Army – added Wu – will take all necessary measures smash any attempt to Taiwan Independence and it will vigorously defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China, ”which Taiwan (ruled autonomously since 1949) sees as a part of its territory that must return to its sovereignty.

On the same line, the Defense Department spokesman assured that “contain China it is an impossible mission. “

In recent years, the government of the former US president, Donald Trump, conducted a series of political exchanges and arms sales to Taipei against which Pekín prHe replied bitterly, another chapter in the confrontation between the two powers.
