China crackdown: thousands of flights from Hong Kong as UK opens new visa route

About 7,000 Hong Kongers have fled to the UK since China imposed a national security law on Hong Kong, and the UK government expects more than 300,000 residents to receive extended residency rights over the next five years, per AP.

Why it matters: The announcement comes as the UK opened the new visa regime on Sunday – a day after China said it would no longer recognize Hong Kongers’ British National Overseas (BNO) passports as valid travel documents or ID.

Driving the news: The UK government announced last July that the Security Act had embarked on the new path to British citizenship for Hong Kongers eligible for BNO status granted to those living in the city before the British government moved into its former colony. 1997 returned to China.

  • According to the offer, these Hong Kongers and their families have the right to stay in the UK for five years, during which time they can work or study.
  • They could then apply for “permanent status” and, after another year, citizenship, Axios Dave Lawler notes.

The big picture: Some Hong Kongers have told AP they are leaving because they fear they will be punished for supporting the pro-democracy protest movement – which has arrested or imprisoned several prominent figures in recent months.

  • “Many others” said the erosion of the high levels of autonomy previously enjoyed by China had become “unbearable” and they want their children to have a better future.
  • “Most say they have no intention of ever going back,” AP notes.
