Chile aprueba uso de emergencia de la vacuna contra el covid-19

(CNN Español) – In Chile, the center of expertise of the Instituto de Salud Pública (ISP) against the background of miércoles en forma unanime or uso de vacuna contra el covid-19, desarrollada by Pfizer and BioNtech, and mayores of 16 years.

Solve expertises that form a telematics for a review of whether an application for a working environment is on the 27 November.

MIRA: Mientras EE.UU. se prepara para dar luz verde a una segunda vacuna contra el covid-19, funcionarios emiten advertencias para las festividades de fin de año

Chili tendrá la vacuna contra el covid-19: un momento «histórico»

The institute’s director, Heriberto García, is one of “a snapshot for Chile” and a confirmation of “a long wait and long wait solution with a long history”.

The first time by autoridades de gobierno, the first trimester of 2021 and the first trimester of 2021, and the first time and the time available and the población de riesgo, a time when no hay and a fecha exacta.

Chile’s Salud Ministerio reports a number of cases of coronavirus worth 576,731, with 15,959 individuals associated with infection due to complications.

Sebastián Piñera extends the catastrophe 1:43
