Central America is preparing a plan for a possible wave of migration to the United States


The Central American countries draft a plan for a possible migration wave of Haitians, Cubans, Asians and Africans who want to reach U.S A Guatemalan source reported irregularly this Friday.

The Director General of Migration from GuatemalaGuillermo Díaz told journalists that they are preparing the proposal to address the migration flow that will occur in the coming weeks, but without specifying a date.

He confirmed that the initiative is expected to be presented next Monday in a regional discussion with authorities from the countries that make up the Central American Commission of Migration Directors (OCAM).

The official noted that the migrants would arrive from Peru through the Darien area in Panama cross Central America to Mexico

“Information has been obtained on the likelihood that these migratory flows could reach Guatemala, unofficial information has been obtained, so the authorities migratory in the region are already preparing to serve them, ”he added.

Díaz recognized that migration is a right, but it must be done in a safe, orderly and regular manner.

Thousands of migrants from different countries have done this tried to reach the United States illegally fleeing poverty and violence.

In mid-January, Guatemalan police and soldiers forcibly disbanded a caravan of thousands of Honduran migrants, including hundreds of children, who stormed the border without providing documents or negative evidence of COVID-19 demanded by the government.

The security forces acted on the orders of the president Alejandro Giammattei, which ordered a halt to the advance in light of the risks of the coronavirus pandemic that caused 170,275 infections and 6,220 deaths in Guatemala.

About 7,000 people managed to enter the country with the last caravan and most were sent back HondurasAccording to official data from Guatemala, which lashed out at his neighbor for not preventing his departure.

A week after the migrants were repelled, even with a club, by the uniformed officers, diplomats from the United States, Mexico and Guatemala warned that the borders would be closed to the passage of other caravans.

Since October 2018, irregular migration from Central America to the United States has taken a turn for the worse with the departure of thousands of caravans, mainly from Northern Honduras, despite anti-immigration policies imposed during the administration of former US President Donald Trump (2017 – 2021).
