CdMx. Universities are reopening to complete medical careers

Mexico City

The head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum, reported that the universities in Mexico City They will be able to resume classes face to face despite the orange traffic light due to coronavirus, but only for careers in medicine so students can complete their degrees.

In a press conference, the president of the capital explained that several universities, both public and private, asked the government to resume face-to-face classes as students must cover their studies and laboratory practices to graduate.

– Will the reopening of universities for health care be allowed?

“Yes, it’s for medical careers only, they need a lab part to get their degree We’ve gotten a lot of calls from public and private schools that in order to receive a student, they have to cover this part of the lab, ”he replied.

Sheinbaum noticed that already We are working with the universities to take preventive measures against the coronavirus pandemic, as it is important that doctors treat the latter process.

“Yit is being worked with them so that it is a healthy distance, with all the measures and the opportunity to have their title P.exactly what we need most right now are doctors and medical and therefore it is important that they Hoes his last trial, ”he said.

