CDC head: Teachers vaccinate ‘no requirement’ for safe reopening of schools

Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Rochelle WalenskyRochelle Walensky The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented By Facebook – Biden, GOP Senators Begin Talks; Dems Advances Overnight Health Care: White House Grants 0M To Step Up Home Test | Schumer Promises Senate Will Pass ‘Bold’ Coronavirus Bill | Biden Officials Defend A Two-Dose Strategy Amid Fear Of Variants Biden Officials Defend A Two-Dose Strategy Amid Fear Of Variants MORE stressed on Wednesday that teacher vaccination is not required to safely reopen schools, citing data from her agency to say it is possible to return to face-to-face classes as long as other precautions are taken.

“Vaccination of teachers is not a prerequisite for the safe reopening of schools,” Walensky said at a news conference.

She added that although a CDC advisory committee has placed teachers in the “1B” category for getting vaccines – the second vaccination priority group – “I also want to be clear that there is growing data suggesting schools can reopen safely. and so … safe reopening doesn’t mean teachers need to be vaccinated to reopen safely. “

The comments come as a fierce debate about students’ return to personal learning.

Some teachers’ unions are calling for teachers to be vaccinated before returning to school.

Republicans have taken up the issue to argue that the Biden administration is not following science, and is instead giving in to their political allies, by not pushing for an immediate return to personal classes.

Apparently Big Labor’s talking points have already fled Dr. FauciAnthony Fauci Watch Live: White House COVID-19 Response Team Briefing Study: One dose of vaccine may be enough for people who had COVID-19. The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by Facebook – Biden, GOP Senators Begin Talks; Dems move forward MORE as the source of the White House, ”Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnell Greene’s future in house committees in limbo after GOP meeting GOP legislator pushes for measure to remove Omar from State Department panel House Republicans prepare for conference meeting amid party civil war MORE (Ky.) Said on the Senate floor on Wednesday.

The White House says more money is needed to allow schools to reopen safely.

“President Biden has been very clear that he wants schools to reopen, and actually stay open, which means that every school has the equipment and resources to open safely,” Jeff ZientsJeff ZientsHealthcare Overnight: Biden Calls for Democrats, Urges Major COVID-19 Emergency Relief | White House Says Some COVID-19 Vaccines Will Be Sent Directly to Pharmacies | Line Chefs, Agricultural Workers Most At Risk Of Death From COVID-19 White House Announces Some COVID-19 Vaccines Will Be Sent Directly To Pharmacies Senators Press Administration In Georgia, Senate Dems On Coronavirus Relief: Report MORE, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, added after Walensky’s comments at the press conference.

“Congress must do its part to ensure that we can safely reopen schools and keep them open,” he added, calling on Congress to approve Biden’s coronavirus response plan, which includes an additional $ 170 billion for things like testing in schools, better ventilation. and allowing smaller classes.

Republicans point out that Congress has already passed $ 82 billion for schools in the package approved in December.

The CDC said in an article last week that there is “little evidence” of widespread transmission of coronavirus in schools if proper precautions are taken, such as universal masking, spreading students and providing good ventilation.
