Capitol rioters claim he was ‘duped’ by Trump, lawyer says

Anthony Chansley’s lawyer, the so-called QAnon shaman who made circles on social media during the Capitol riots for his bizarre outfit, admits the former President TrumpDonald Trump McCarthy says he has rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has said he disagreed with her impeachment articles against Biden Biden, Trudeau agreed to meet next month Trump planned to impeach acting AG to reverse Georgia’s election results for the involvement of his client.

“He regrets very, very much that not only has he been cheated by the president, but also that he is in a position where he allowed that deception to allow him to make decisions that he should not have made,” said Al Watkins, a lawyer for Chansley. told NBC-affiliated television station KSDK in Missouri.

Chansley, aka Jake Angeli, was arrested on January 9 for his role in the riot. Chansley told NBC News at the time that he saw nothing wrong with his actions.

The attorney blames Trump’s months-long conspiracy theories of electoral fraud for the riot and his client’s actions.

Let’s roll the tape. Let’s roll the months of lies and misrepresentation and gruesome innuendo and hyperbolic speech by our president, meant to stir, infuriate and motivate, Watkins told KSDK. “What’s really curious is the reality that our president, as we know, has invited these individuals as president to walk with him to the Capitol.”

Chansley went viral after the riot for wearing horns and fur and carrying an American flag. He is said to have left a threatening note for the former vice president Mike PenceMichael (Mike) Richard Pence Trump planned to oust acting AG to reverse Georgia’s election results: report of Trump actions illustrates why Congress must pass the For the People Act Cheney tests Trump’s grip on GOP after presidency MORE.

Trump ran conspiracy theories that the results of the 2020 presidential election were fraudulent and that he was the winner. He also invited supporters to Washington, DC, on January 6 to support him in a protest.

Trump told supporters to walk to the Capitol, where Congress certified the Electoral College votes, but said never to break in or endanger people. However, he called the rioters ‘special people’ that same day in a video.

Chansley has been involved in many protests in Arizona, where he was photographed with a “Q sent me” sign, referring to the far-right Qanon conspiracy theory that claims Trump is fighting an underground circle of satanic pedophiles in the federal government.

Some rioters hoped for a presidential pardon before Trump left office, but none of them got one. There have been more than 100 arrests, and more will come as the FBI continues to investigate the case.
