Cambio type: Precio del dólar al cierre de hoy, 17th day

Hoy jueves December 17, the precio of the validity period of S / 3.59, a new interbank, an informational group of the Banco Central de Reserva (BCR).

The Agencia Bloomberg is one of the many Cotización del Billete Verde a minimum of 0.04% in Peru.

This is a first step in line for the first month, at the beginning of the month, with a report of a global refund and a mayor who has a higher or more anticipated tax and one-time tax status.

¿Cuánto te cuesta?

The lender is a valid price for a pledge of S / 3,536, and at a price of S / 3.64, for a web store.

Mientras que en el mercado paralelo se compare the prices of the price of S / 3,565 and of the store of S / 3,595.

Por otra parte, la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros and AFP (SBS) indica que el compra es de S / 3.584 en el venta S / 3.59.
