Brave woman prevents possible gas station theft by verbally pleasing thief until police showed up to arrest him – BroBible

A woman prevented a potential gas station theft by verbally satisfying a thief until police showed up

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Imagine you’re in a gas station with some bastard trying to rob it. Like, are you going crazy? Are you running out of there as soon as possible? Are you hiding in the beer cave to at least stomp some booze before you go? Or do you persuade the thief to go to the store’s office for some quick little oral sex? If you are a 36 year old Czech woman, you will definitely go for the latter option.

According to the Daily mail, a 24-year-old man recently walked into a gas station and attempted to rob the site, threatening workers by saying he would kill them. When several of the store’s employees shot out a back office door, the thief moved into the empty room to try and steal more money from the safe – until a brave woman walked in to save the day with her mouth.

Rather than making out with cash, the thief found a stranger making out with his junk, which was enough to distract him from leaving the gas station before the police came to arrest him. This one. Is. Legendary.

The 24-year-old man tried to steal from the gas station on Tuesday night and threatened to kill staff, Slovak local news reported.

The employee opened the till and the suspect took the money out and hit the employee several times. After donating the money, the employee went to the back office where another colleague was sitting. He was able to get out the back door and call the police.

The alleged thief then moved into the office where he tried to get money from the safe, but the second colleague also escaped.

Local media reports that an unidentified woman walked in within seconds and began verbally pleasuring him until the police arrived – who then arrested the suspect.

Police told TV JOJ, they found the couple half naked and lying on the floor in the office, and the woman said something along the lines of “I’m not taking him anymore.”

Officers said the thief failed to get the money and went to a police station and is being held in custody.

This really sounds like a scene from Super Troopers or something, isn’t it? Like, how on earth does a man go from robbing a gas station and almost getting away with it, to being seduced by a stranger willing to give oral sex? There are stupid thieves out there, but man, this guy has got to be in the top 10. Get the money and run, dude!

As for the lady, kudos to you madam for not only thinking on your toes but performing on your knees with some quick decision making. No one knows why this was the method chosen to stop the robbery, but it worked to perfection. Maybe the Medal of Freedom should belong to this lady in the future.

(H / T Daily Star)
