Bradley no se sorprende by la palabra ‘cruzazulear’ de cara al juego ante la Máquina

LOS ÁNGELES – The termino ‘Cruzazulear’ has an establecido en el argot futbolístico mexicano, pero has a trascendido and more. It is a match between the Los Angeles FC and the final of the Liga de Campeones de CONCACAF and Bob Bradley, the English language, the name of the Palabra and the Machine of the battle for deportivo.

“Sí lo he escuchado (el termino). There are different equipment for the world, the time it takes and the time it takes to buy and for multiple occasions, such as a history of equipment ”, which Bob Bradley has seen as martes en conferencia de prensa.

Cruz Azul and the history of history with a vivid moment, complications over time and a certain definition and an important part. Recientemente, volvieron a ‘Cruzazulearla’ cuando fueron eliminados and the semifinals of torneo mexicano and manos de Pumas, después tener una ventaja de 4-0 and el partido de ida. This is a remontada, it is the history of Cruz Azul.

“Hay sin duda un reto (mentalmente) para Cruz Azul cuando pierdes este tipo de partidos. Pero cuando is a club grande en con grandes jugadores, nosotros nos enfocamos and enfrentar a la mejor version of Cruz Azul. There are no preparations in terms of capabilities, most of the first and the first time in time and against the cougars ”, señaló Bradley.

Cruz Azul is a complicating factor, not a solution to the elimination of the cougars, a Chinese or a renunciation of the tecnico Robert Dante Siboldi. Luis Armando González is a club-style club for the international torneo in Orlando, Florida.

“All you have to do is have some of the cada accessories equipment a few days ago a few months ago, but also a valve with a construction and a campo. This is the only time you need for your equipment, but also for a certain amount of time around a person, another name you can choose against the León an imponer. También hicimos and buen trabajo defensivo, buscamos recuperar el balón cuando lo perdíamos, ser agresivos and todas line, asís como se marca una ventaja ”, dijo el técnico estadounidense.

The game between LAFC and Cruz Azul, the only time that is the final of the stage of the final and the last game, or that of a pandemic. If you want to specify a specific time, you must determine a match for a specific semi-final.
