Boehner says ‘unemployed’ Trump ‘has nothing to do’ other than ’cause trouble’

Former speaker John BoehnerJohn Andrew Boehner Boehner: Trump ‘got over their allegiance completely’ by lying to followers Boehner ends up calling it the way he sees it Harry Reid responds to Boehner book excerpt: ‘We didn’t mince words’ MORE (R-Ohio) said Monday the “unemployed” former President TrumpDonald Trump Gaetz Didn’t Get Meeting With Trump: CNN Federal Reserve Chairman: Economy Would Have Been ‘So Much Worse’ Without COVID-19 Emergency Bills California City Police Declare Illegal Meeting Amid ‘White Lives Matter’ Protest MORE has nothing better to do than cause trouble after his departure from Washington.

Here is a man out of work with nothing to do but cause trouble. And it’s clear to me he’s not going away, ‘ BoehnerJohn Andrew Boehner Boehner: Trump ‘got over their allegiance completely’ by lying to followers Boehner ends up calling it the way he sees it Harry Reid responds to Boehner book excerpt: ‘We didn’t mince words’ MORE said on “The View.”

Boehner was asked by co-host Sara Haines when the GOP’s “wake-up call” arrived, as many current elected Republican officials refuse to condemn the former president’s false claims about 2020 election fraud, which Trump echoed at a meeting of the Republican National Committee. (RNC) officials over the weekend.

“The president abused the loyalty and trust the voters had placed in him by perpetuating this noise,” said Boehner, adding that it was one of “the saddest things I’ve seen in politics over the last 40 years.”

Boehner’s Monday salvo is just the latest pointed criticism he has made of Trump promoting his new book “On the House: A Washington Memoir.” He has told reporters that he felt compelled to speak out after the attack on the US Capitol in January.

Trump’s refusal to accept the election results not only cost the Republicans the Senate but also sparked violent mobs. … It was painful to watch, ” the former speaker wrote in the book, according to excerpts published by The New York Times.

“I admit I was not prepared for what came after the election – Trump refused to accept the results and fanned the flames of conspiracy that turned to violence in the seat of our democracy, the building I once headed,” he reportedly continued in the book.
