Blue Demon Jr. intends to rule anonymously

Mexican wrestler Blue Demon Jr. will not allow a position in politics to remove the mask he has defended for more than 35 years, which is why his plan is to win a Mexico City mayor’s office and rule anonymously.

“This mask is my first skin. With this I last longer than without it. The face says nothing, the actions are what they are going to speak and represent. No one remembers the corrupt politicians who have hurt civilians,” confessed to Efe this Saturday.

Blue Demon Jr. is one of three fighters with whom the new party, Redes Sociales Progresistas (RSP), is trying to win three mayors of Mexico City this year.

The Blue Demon aims to obtain the Gustavo A. Madero (GAM) without revealing his face or his name, as the mask is a sacred legacy for a Mexican wrestler and can only be lost in battle.

Blue Demon Jr. is the adopted son of Blue Demon Señor, a wrestling legend who shone in the ring in the second half of the 90s by competing with El Santo, the quintessential Mexican figure of the pankration.

The junior, who claimed to have always lived in the GAM, explained that his father would be proud to see him in politics wearing the historic mask.

The hunter acknowledged his unwillingness to rule, but made sure the years he fought made him a civil servant.

“I have been a civil servant from the moment I step into an arena to entertain people and they leave satisfied with what I do. I do my job with love and this time I would become a social civil servant because I am going to help citizens of the GAM. is going well, ”he thought.

The star in the ring does not identify with the ideology of the left or the right, but with social work and progress. Two of his political references are Jesús Urueta and Justo Sierra.

The Blue Demon noted that there is no barrier in the law forcing him to reveal his face and name to the public, only to the electoral authorities at the time he registered as a candidate.

“The masks can only be lost in a ring, as can a boxer with a world title. We seek protection for my identity, the law protects me, I don’t break any rules,” he said.

Demon believes wearing the mask will work in his favor while reigning, because if the citizens don’t know his face, he can start doing fieldwork without causing chaos to verify complaints about his mandate.

Although I win the election, I have no intention of retiring because struggling is my main economic entry point, I am not looking for a position to enrich myself or gain notoriety. I can train every morning and fight on the weekends when I finish my work, ”he said.

The expert doctor in election matters, Karolina Gilas, told Efe that there is no impediment to Blue Demon Jr. in the law. to run for and rule without revealing his face to the public, although he is required to make his name known.


  • Blue demon
  • Wrestling
  • Progressive social networks
  • mayorship in Mexico City
