Birx: Someone provided Trump with a ‘parallel set of data’ on the coronavirus

Deborah BirxDeborah Birx Sunday Shows Preview: All Eyes On Biden Administration To Tackle Coronavirus Birx Says She Regularly Considered Quitting Pence Delivers Coronavirus Task Force Report To Biden MORE, the former White House coronavirus coordinator, said on Sunday that her efforts to advise then-President TrumpDonald Trump NYT: Rep. Perry played a role in alleged Trump plan to oust acting AG Arizona GOP, condemns top state Republicans McCain, Flake and Ducey Biden and UK Prime Minister discuss NATO multilateralism on call MORE about the pandemic were complicated by people presenting him with ‘parallel data’.

“I saw the president present graphs I never made. So I know somebody, or somebody out there or somebody in, created a parallel set of data and images that was shown to the president. I know what I sent and I know what he got was different from that, ”Birx said on CBS ‘Face the Nation. “You can not do that.”

Asked by host Margaret Brennan who provided the former president with such data, Birx said she was unsure but said she suspected at least some of the data had been provided by the former White House adviser. Scott AtlasScott AtlasOvernight Health Care: Trump Administrator Makes Changes to Speed ​​Up Vaccinations | CDC to Order Negative Tests for International Travelers | More Lawmakers Test Positive After Capitol Siege Joe Biden Needs New Communications Strategy The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented By Mastercard – Congress slogs toward COVID-19 relief, omnibus deal MORE, who is not an expert on infectious diseases and repeatedly fought with Birx and other experts on how best to manage the pandemic.

“I don’t know who else took part in it, but I think when the report comes back and people see what I was writing daily and that was sent to the White House leadership, they will see that – that I was very specific about what I saw and what needed to be done, ”she said.

Asked by Brennan whether the White House Chief of Staff or other officials “said ‘wait a minute, this is our official coordinator, listen to her and her alone,'” Birx said she didn’t know if anyone told Trump, but ” nobody said that to me. “

Brennan went on to question whether Birx believed Trump was divided over the political implications of the virus and his reelection campaign.

“I always wonder that, and I mean, the worst possible time you can have a pandemic is in the year of the presidential election. I think White House staff were very focused on this March and April pandemic, ”she said. “I think once the country started to open up and it was clear to me that they weren’t going to follow my really gated criteria that I had been working hard on.”
