Bill Gates says he buys green jet fuel, uses solar panels on his homes, and eats synthetic meat

Bill Gates says he buys green jet fuel, uses solar panels on his homes and eats synthetic meat to reduce his carbon footprint, while stressing the importance of consuming less.

  • Writing on Reddit during his 9th Ask Me Anything, the billionaire posed a series of questions about climate change
  • He was asked how the average person could reduce his carbon footprint before another user asked him how to reduce his
  • Gates said, “On a personal level, I do a lot more. I drive electric cars. I have solar panels at my house. I eat synthetic meat (sometimes!) ‘
  • The philanthropist stressed that people using their political vote was “ the most important thing ” they could do to promote greener endeavors
  • Last month, Gates called on the US and other wealthy countries to completely abandon eating beef and switch to synthetic alternatives

Bill Gates said he buys green jet fuel, eats synthetic meat, uses solar panels at home, and “a lot more” in an effort to consume less and reduce his carbon footprint.

Writing on Reddit during his 9th Ask Me Anything, the billionaire posed a series of questions asking for advice on how best to tackle climate change.

When asked what he was doing specifically to reduce his own footprint, Gates highlighted his Breakthrough Energy and stressed the importance of innovation as “what makes it possible to provide zero-emission services to everyone.”

Writing on Reddit during his 9th Ask Me Anything, the billionaire posed a series of questions asking for advice on how best to tackle climate change

Writing on Reddit during his 9th Ask Me Anything, the billionaire posed a series of questions asking for advice on how best to tackle climate change

When asked what he was doing specifically to reduce his own footprint, Gates highlighted his Breakthrough Energy and stressed the importance of innovation as ‘what makes it possible to provide zero-emission services to everyone’

Gates added: “On a personal level, I do a lot more. I drive electric cars. I have solar panels at my house. I eat synthetic meat (sometimes!).

‘I buy green jet fuel. I pay for direct air collection by Climeworks. I help finance electric heat pumps in cheap homes to replace natural gas. I plan to fly a lot less now that the pandemic has shown that we can get by with less travel. ‘

Earlier in the post, Gates was asked what the average person could do to reduce their own footprint.

The philanthropist stressed that using their political voice was “the most important.”

Gates said he uses green jet fuel to reduce his carbon footprint

Gates said he uses green jet fuel to reduce his carbon footprint

“Getting educated and convincing people from all political parties to care is going to make a huge difference,” he continued.

‘Then you can consume less and if you do consume, buy green products such as electric cars or synthetic meat.

Gates also emphasized checking in with employers to see how they are implementing greener efforts.

“Another area is to make sure your company pays for compensation and does its part,” said the billionaire. “If you want to help, there are ways everyone can get involved.”

The philanthropist stressed that people using their political vote was “ the most important thing ” they could do to promote greener endeavors

Last month, Gates called on the US and other wealthy countries to completely give up eating beef and switch to synthetic alternatives (photo)

Last month, Gates called on the US and other wealthy countries to completely give up eating beef and switch to synthetic alternatives (photo)

Last month, Gates called on the US and other wealthy countries to stop eating beef altogether due to climate change and to switch to synthetic alternatives.

‘I don’t think the eighty poorest countries will eat synthetic meat. I really think all rich countries should switch to 100% synthetic beef, ” Gates told the MIT Technology Review.

‘You can get used to the difference in taste, and the claim is that they will make it taste even better over time. Ultimately, that green premium is so modest that you can change the people or use regulation to completely shift the demand, ”Gates mused.

Microsoft’s founder, 65, promoted his new book, How To Avoid A Climate Disaster, which presents a series of dramatic proposals that Gates says are necessary to prevent global calamities.
