Biden today announced an additional $ 1,400 incentive for COVID

President-elect Joe Biden would today unveil a $ 1.9 billion COVID-19 aid package based on a more robust vaccination plan and immediate payments from emergency checks, NPR reported.

The plan will be called “Rescue Plan for America” ​​and would include payment of $ 1,400 incentive checks that would be added to the $ 600 checks already approved by Congress.

Biden will also propose investing $ 160 billion in a national vaccination plan, including $ 20 billion in distribution and $ 50 billion in test site expansion.

According to Bloomberg, this is part of the first phase of a two-step strategy that later includes investments in infrastructure and climate change.

It is not clear when Congress could discuss the adoption of this measure, bearing in mind that the beginning of Biden’s tenure would be monopolized by the onset of the impeachment against Donald Trump.

Biden will speak to the public at 7:15 PM and is expected to make the announcement.

Almost approval of plan to distribute $ 600 in Puerto Rico

Earlier today, Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, Francisco Parés, was convinced that the Internal rents service (IRS) approves plan to distribute the new $ 600 incentive over the next few days.

In fact, it was expected that checks would be issued on or before February 15th.

The agency filed the distribution plan with the federal treasury on December 28, 2020 after Congress approved a new economic stimulus package in light of the crisis triggered by the US pandemic. COVID-19.
