Biden says Governor Andrew Cuomo should resign if allegations are confirmed during investigation

WASHINGTON – President Biden said New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo should resign if an investigation confirms multiple women’s allegations of inappropriate behavior against him.

Mr. Biden said in an interview with ABC News that he also thought that Mr. Cuomo “is likely to be prosecuted” if the investigation confirms the allegations. The comments were the strongest to date from Mr. Biden, who was a political ally of the New York governor.

Three women who worked for Mr. Cuomo and one woman who currently works on his staff have accused him of sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior. Attorney General Letitia James is overseeing an investigation into the charges. Several prominent New York Democrats, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, have called for Mr. Cuomo to resign.

Mr. Cuomo has said he never touched anyone inappropriately. He has previously apologized to anyone who said his behavior made them uncomfortable.

Mr. Biden said in the ABC interview, which will be aired in full on Wednesday, that the investigation should determine the correctness of the claims: “That’s what’s going on now.” He said it was up to others to determine whether Mr. Cuomo could be effective as governor at this point.

He added, “There may be criminal charges involved. I just do not know. “

Mr. Biden said that in general, “a woman should be supposed to speak the truth and not be scapegoated and a victim of her actions.” He said it “takes a lot of courage to come forward. So the suspicion is that they should be taken seriously. And it must be investigated. And that’s what’s going on now. “

Governor spokesmen did not immediately return emails asking for comment.

Mr. Cuomo has said people should withhold judgment until Ms. James’s investigation is completed. Mr Biden told reporters on Sunday, “I think the investigation is underway, and we need to see what it brings us.”

As a presidential candidate, Mr. Biden made a statement by former Senate official Tara Reade that he assaulted her while she was working in his office in 1993. Mr. Biden and his assistants said the claims were false.

Democrats who dominate the New York State Assembly have begun an impeachment investigation into Mr. Cuomo’s office behavior and the way his administration is treating Covid-19 in nursing homes.

Federal prosecutors have requested data on deaths in nursing homes and are interested in the production of a July health department report on how Covid-19 has affected those facilities, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Mr. Cuomo has said he is working with the federal probe.

Write to Ken Thomas at [email protected]

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Appeared in the March 17, 2021 print edition as ‘Biden Says Cuomo Should Go If Claims Confirmed.’
