Biden freezes US arms sales to Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates

US officials said it is not uncommon for a new administration to review arms sales approved by a pastor. President Biden on Wednesday.


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The Biden administration has imposed a temporary freeze on US arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates as it assesses billions of dollars in arms deals approved by former President Donald Trump, US officials said.

The review, the officials said, includes the sale of precision guided ammunition to Riyadh, as well as the best F-35 fighters to Abu Dhabi, a deal that Washington has approved as part of the Abraham Accords, in which the Emirates establish diplomatic relations. with Israel.

US officials said it is not uncommon for a new administration to review arms sales approved by a predecessor, and that despite the pause, many of the transactions are likely to continue.

But in keeping with President Biden’s campaign promises, Washington is trying to ensure that US weapons are not used to further the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen, where conflict with Iran’s Houthis has resulted in thousands of civilian deaths. and widespread hunger.

Officials at the Saudi Arabia and Emirates embassies in Washington did not immediately comment on the developments.

Write to Warren P. Strobel at [email protected]

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