Benefits of celery juice in the morning

He celery it is a versatile ingredient when it comes to cooking. It can be used fresh or frozen. The stem is often served raw or cooked in vegetable dishes. For its part, celery leaves are used as a spice, similar to parsley, to flavor soups, stews, salads and other dishes, says the University of Kentucky.

Due to the versatility of the product, the celery is an ingredient usually found in Kitchens Mexican. But doesn’t just add flavor to various dishes, the celery it also provides health benefits for its consumers and has gained popularity for being a food that helps lose weight.

Also read: What is celery good for?

He celery It is a vegetable native to the Mediterranean. Both the stem and the leaves of this vegetable have been used, which were used in the past as an aromatic herb to add flavor and aroma to all kinds of cooking recipes, according to the ecological shop Ecoagricultor.

Over time, the celery it has been a food spice and a special medicinal plant. It is a vegetable that has been used to flavor foods and drinks, but at the same time, the beneficial health properties that this vegetable offers have been discovered.

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He celery It consists mainly of water, potassium, sodium and vitamins such as C vitamin, which strengthens the immune system while making the body more resilient to new diseases, says the journal Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics.

It is also composed of minerals such as: sulfur, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus; and other vitamins such as vitamins A, B1, B2, E, which perform different functions in the body.

Traditionally, the celery It has been used to lower blood pressure and increase uric acid excretion. It has also been used to purify the blood; it also allows the breast milk to flow after delivery during the lactation period.

The same, leaves of the celery They are often used to clean sores and ulcers. For its part, the root can be used as a diuretic against stones and granules of the urinary system and liver, adds the University of San Carlos Guatemala.

Also read: Ways to Include Vegetables in Your Diet (They Are Not Salads)

Now him celery in liquid form it is offered as an alternative to lose weight. In this regard, Healtline, an American provider of medical information, indicates that celery juice has several benefits, including weight loss and better gut and skin health.

FoodData Central experts note that drinking 475 ml celery juice provides about 85 calories, making it an ideal low-calorie drink for when you’re looking lose weight.

While there is no scientific research to support this claim, a study published by the American Journal of Epidemiology explains that replacement drinks with a high calorie content, such as sugary coffee drinks or soft drinks celery juice is a smart choice if you try lose weight.

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Also drink low-calorie drinks such as celery juices Before meals can promote satiety and help you eat fewer calories in general, the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) adds.

Although the celery juice It is a healthy and low-calorie drink, it should be combined with exercise and a nutritious diet if you are looking to lose weight.

Also read: Discover the benefits of green juice and how to prepare it

To prepare it, 1 celery stalk should be liquefied with 1 glass of water. The mixture should be drunk on an empty stomach so that it makes you feel full before eating. It is recommended to drink it immediately without added sugar.

The Healthline website states that the celery juice can be consumed alone or added to other drinks, such as shakes Greens, which often contain a variety of fruits and vegetables that provide other health benefits.
