Barry Beck destroys Rangers, John Davidson after Mark Pavelich’s death

Former Rangers captain Barry Beck said the team and US hockey were “responsible” for Mark Pavelich’s death because they did not support the star of “Miracle on Ice” as he battled mental illness – possibly related to head injuries sustained during a seven-year period. NHL career – prior to his death Thursday at a mental health treatment center in Minnesota.

Beck also targeted the NHL, which he called “cowards,” hours after officials announced Friday that his 63-year-old former teammate had been found dead.

The cause of death is under investigation.

In a blistering 946-word Facebook post, a heartbroken Beck fired team chairman John Davidson, also a former teammate, for not returning an email asking the Rangers to “ make public their support for Mark by just one of them. to say’. former players were sick and we wish him the best. “

But The Post found that Davidson had been in constant contact with former NHL alumni association Rangers netminder Glen Healy about Pavelich. In the Facebook post, Beck mentioned Healy and the alumni association for getting “ involved ” with Pavelich.

Well, JD didn’t even return my email. I think he was [f–king] busy, ”wrote Beck, a Rangers defender from 1979-86. “He should have picked up the phone and called me. That would have been the right thing to do as we were teammates and he would definitely have my back, right?

“You’re on your throne now, John, but if our paths ever cross you, you better be ready. Or just turn your back. “

The Rangers, who declined to comment on Beck’s position, said in a statement Friday that they were “ saddened ” to learn of the death of Pavelich, a skilled hard-nosed center who spent five seasons with the United States from 1981 to 1986. organization spent after playing. a key role in the United States’ stunning gold medal win at the 1980 Olympics.

USA hockey and the NHL sent similar statements. Both did not immediately respond to requests for comment in light of Beck’s post.

“The Rangers and American hockey are responsible for Marks’ death,” said Beck. “The NHL needs to grow a set of balls and take action.”

Pavelich underwent treatment at the facility as part of a civil commitment for assaulting his neighbor in Minnesota in August 2019. He was charged with a felony but found incapable of trial because the judge believed he had mental illness and was dangerous.

Beck wrote that Pavelich’s sister, Jean, believed in Eveleth, Minn. Born resident suffered from CTE, the degenerative brain disease common in hockey and soccer players that is associated with depression, memory loss and dementia and cannot be diagnosed until after death.

The NHL and Commissioner Gary Bettman have previously said that the “relationship between concussion and the alleged clinical symptoms of CTE remains unknown,” even as several other deceased players were found to have the disease.

In 2016, the league settled a $ 18.9 million lawsuit involving 302 retired players who claimed the NHL had failed to protect them from head injuries or warn them about the risks of playing.

“Now, no NHL team will discuss CTE or any of their players, staff or employees,” wrote 63-year-old Beck, who once told the Washington Post that he is depressed as a result of concussions sustained from hockey. “After the CTE lawsuit, the NHL was just glad they didn’t have to talk about it anymore. They didn’t tell teams under any circumstances that a team will discuss CTE brain shrinkage. Not even the stick boy.

‘They don’t talk about it because of their cowards. The only thing that matters to them is money. “

After Pavelich’s arrest, Beck said he “immediately contacted his sister Jean to see how I could help. I asked her, “Has anyone from the Rangers or American hockey contacted you yet to offer their support?” Nobody called and nobody called to this day. Who the hell do these people think they are?

“They better not convey condolences for missing the boat,” Beck continued. “When they do, I chew them from one end to the other.”

“USA hockey you can throw them in the same boat as the Rangers,” Beck wrote. Wouldn’t respond to help Mark. A [f–king] American Hero !! You stupid MFS!

Beck said he was “deeply saddened, shocked and overcome with grief” when he learned of Pavelich’s death.

He said the two had spoken recently, adding that Pavelich was there for him after Beck’s son, Brock, was murdered in Hamilton, Canada, in July.

“Climbing one big mountain to get over my son’s death is a difficult task. Now I have to climb two mountains, ”said Beck. “Well, I am now ready to climb for Mark.”
