“Bad, bad, bad idea.” A young girl from the US combs her hair with glue and then asks for help online | News from El Salvador

Tessica Brown tried unsuccessfully to remove the glue in various ways and ended up in the hospital.

A young American who combed her hair with extra-strong glue desperately asked for help on social media, where she raised money for a possible surgical procedure in light of the incident that caused her pain and suffering.

Tessica Brown, an African American living in Louisiana, posted a video to her social media explaining that when her hair gel ran out, she chose to use an extra-strong adhesive spray as a replacement.

“Bad, bad, bad idea, look at my hair doesn’t move, I’ve washed my hair 15 times and it doesn’t move, hard!”, Brown complained to the point of tears, according to a recording he shared last week on their case . “My hair has been like this for a month. It was not my choice, ”he noted.

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“If you ever run out of spray, never use this (glue) unless you want your hair that way,” she suggested after her incident that took her to a hospital urgently.

The case went viral on the internet since early February. Netizens have criticized the girl’s unusual decision to try to show off her hair.

Chemical adhesive, which mainly contains acetone and propane, should not come into contact with the skin as it can cause severe irritation according to the product indications.

Brown unsuccessfully tried to remove the glue in a number of ways, including coconut oil.

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Even in another video he posted to his Instagram, he is seen applying abundant shampoo to his hair, but his attempt was in vain as it always looks hard as stone.

After learning what had happened, the glue manufacturer, Gorilla Glue, posted a message on Twitter saying they were “sorry” for this “unfortunate incident” and were happy that Brown had gone to the hospital.

Photo captura Twitter / @GorillaGlue

“Hello, we are sorry to hear about your experience! We do not recommend using our products on hair as they are considered permanent, ”the message said.

“You can try soaking the affected area in warm soapy water or applying isopropyl alcohol to the area (affected by the glue),” the company advised.

On Saturday, the young woman posted photos of herself in an emergency at the hospital in Chalmette, Louisiana, where she went to seek help.

Photo: Instagram / @im_d_ollady

“It will be a very long process,” he said on Instagram on Monday.

To cover the medical costs associated with her treatment, the young woman asked for help on the GoFundme site, having already raised more than $ 15,000 on Tuesday.

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The TMZ site posted a video on Tuesday in which a friend cut her ponytail and applied a new product to her scalp, to no avail.

According to TMZ, Brown plans to travel to Los Angeles at the invitation of plastic surgeon Michael Obeng, who claims to be able to remove the thick layer of hardened glue.

An assistant surgeon contacted by AFP has not confirmed the information.

Beyoncé’s hairdresser, Neal Farinah, also suggested helping Brown on her Instagram account.

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