Por Lcda. Yaira L Doylet R. (Mrs. C Salud Pública).
Vocal Suplente de Asociación de Nutricionistas del Guayas ANUG
Celular: 0983809255. Correo: [email protected]
The grass is a one-time anonymous grazing (triglycerides) and the interior of the hepática. There are several studies that can determine the prevalence of the Hígado Graso. No Alcohólico puede llegar has 74% and obesos, siendo 4.6 Veces more frecuente and pacientes definidos como personas con índice de masa corporal (IMC) mayor a 30 kg / m2. Suitable for an adult age group with obese weight, and an estimate of 19% of the weight of the skin without alcohol (EHNA).
Including en pacientes con índice de masa corporal normal, pero con patrón de obesidad central, they describe a mayor incidencia de Hígado Graso No Alcohólico.
Lately, in the year 2000, there is an age of 30 million overweight on HGNA, and 8.6 million to an average age without alcohol (EHNA).
Diabetes mellitus (DM) indica is one of 8% of diabetes mellitus (DM), and a calculation of 50% of total hepatic insufficiency. There is no equal relationship between DM and obesity, the weight of the Hígado Graso. 100% and an estudio tense de esteatosis, 50% EHNA and 19% tenía cirrosis histológicamente documentada.
Is eating a meal with a healthy diet with a healthy healthy eating?
Restoring health, getting rid of algae, getting rid of food products or creating problems with the condición de este.
Aspectos o Referencias Alimentarias
- Reducción of peso corporal of paciente.
- A balanced diet.
- Privilegiar el consumo de frutas and verduras diariamente
- It is a way of working with a tratamiento, and a bus that is a turn off of the grass or money that contributes to a baja de peso.
Menu for personas with Hígado Graso
- Batido de leche description with guineo
- Tostada con huevo revuelto
Media mañana
- 1 portion papaya picada with 1/4 the taza de coco rallado and 2 cucharadas de yogurt natural
- Ensalada de col morada with zanahoria and alverjita and salsa de cebolla
- Arroz integral,
- 1 porción de atún en agua
Media Tarde
- Papa cocinada con perejil, ajo y aceite de oliva o girasol
- Fried vegetables with salsa de cebolla perla, tomato and culantro
- Pollo asado. (F)