Back to school! Angela Aguilar melts hearts by dressing like a schoolgirl, she looks beautiful

Angela Aguilar became a trend on social networks after sharing a postcard of which he wears an outfit schoolgirl and wasted sweetness and innocence, the singer bewitched her more than five million followers Instagram pose like a student and mark her amazing beauty

The daughter of Pepe Aguilar, who stands out for sharing photos where he wears outfits that become trend and wastes glamor with its good taste, overlaid on a bill this Wednesday Instagram where postcards of the artist, and this day marked one where it appears distinctly smaller.

The date the postcard was created is unknown, but the sweetness on the face artist it is clear, besides his look full of hope and happiness. Angela Aguilar, now 17 years old, he posed for the Photography wearing a pleated and plaid skirt in different colors, as well as a blue and white sweater and white shirt. They supplemented them clothes red glasses.

Homesick for school days

Among the fans of Angela Aguilar It was surprising to see her in a schoolgirl outfit, which reminded them of the time classes They were normal and not like now in the context of the health emergency the country is going through; In addition, many wondered which school was famous artist

To the unpublished post- It is accompanied by the lyrics: ‘Smile’, a word that is already part of the singer’s identity and one of her characteristics individuals, because at home the image he shares in his networks, his face is framed with the big smile he always has for his fans Y followers

Reactions to the post were mixed and fans of it Angela Aguilar they shared compliments for her. Although the account of Instagram from where the postcard was published is not the official one artist, it does have an important stock of photographs of the daughter’s life and trajectory Pepe Aguilar, many of which had not previously been made public.

