Authorize extradition of drug traffickers ‘La Silla’ and ‘Butaco’ – Conflict and drug trade – Justice

At noon Wednesday, Attorney General Wilson Ruiz confirmed it had jurisdiction the extradition to the United States of two nationals accused of drug trafficking.

Is about Elkin Javier López Torres, aka ‘La Silla’, and Julio César Ruiz Arango, alias “ Butaco, ” who has to answer in North American courts for the crimes of concert to import, produce, and distribute cocaine into the United States, as well as for consultations regarding the possession of cocaine with the intention of distributing it on board a vessel under the jurisdiction of that country.

According to the Ministry of Justice, López Torres, aka La Silla, is filed for by the Eastern District Court of Texas, while Ruiz Arango has a request for extradition from the Southern District Court of Florida. Both are available to the Attorney General.

According to the statement, ‘la Silla’ “is part of a drug trafficking organization responsible for coordinating the transportation of cocaine shipments from Colombia to different countries

Likewise, they point out that it allegedly charged fees to other cartels for the use of drug export routes and that it provided certainty for the transit of drugs through routes it controlled.

(For context, we recommend that you read: Strong Security Precautions When Transferring Drug Trafficker ‘La Silla’ to His Home)

‘La Silla’ or ‘Doble Rueda’ was mentioned by Nicolás Maduro in May last year, then accused him of participating in a meeting with one of the men captured by the regime, accused of attempting to carry out a military operation against him on Venezuelan territory.

Maduro stated at the time that one of the inmates, Luke Alexander Denman, a North American citizen, He acknowledged that he had held a meeting in Upper Guajira with several people who supported the coup, including a man in a wheelchair who identified Maduro as Elkin López., ‘Double wheel’.

Since June last year, ‘La Silla’ has the advantage of a home for the prison, after she was incarcerated in a Barranquilla Clinic for health problems.

(You may be interested: Maduro has indicated his support for the coup and he is trying to expedite his shipment to the United States.

Alias ​​Butaco

For his part, aka Butaco, the Ministry of Justice emphasizes, joined another drug trafficking organization who committed crimes on the country’s north coast and participated in the shipment of numerous shipments of cocaine between January 2014 and June 2016.

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