Apex Legends’ most OP character will soon be Nerfed

Apex Legends the most overloaded character, or at least one of the more OP characters, gets nerfed and nerfed quickly. How do we know? Because Respawn Entertainment has confirmed so much. In any character or hero based competitive game, there are inevitably characters that are more viable and useful than others. In the current meta, most players agree that Wraith and Caustic are the two most annoying characters to fight. Unfortunately for those who are last, the big guy is getting nerfed.

Caustic has been a controversial character since Season 7. Before Season 7, Caustic was actually far from a meta-topping character, but a series of buffs changed this, and while he’s been tweaked since then, it’s not been enough according to some. players.

In recent weeks, complaints about Caustic have grown louder. And recently, one of these complaints caught the attention of a developer on Reddit. In response to a player who pointed out the community’s calls to nerf Caustic and how the character clashes with the game’s philosophy, John Larson, a designer of the game, confirmed that a nerf is in the works and will be available soon .

“I think since the switch to gas allowed teammates to play in gas with relatively little consequence, there was a lot of unrealized potential that has been quickly tapped in recent months,” Larson said of the character. “Caustic is undeniably strong and has the highest win rate in matches that last longer than 20 minutes. Caustic plays a unique role as a defensive legend who can take offense in certain scenarios, and we need to make sure we adapt him to take away frustration without hurt what it feels like to play as Caustic. “

Larson continued:

“Long story short, we hear the feedback from the community, as a player I feel it is valid, the data confirms that he is strong and that he will get some attention in the near future. Top Being ‘Ability Legends’, as new characters are introduced, it’s important that they take up unique design space. This opens the door to potentially devastating synergies between legend skills. I’ve seen (and experienced) the clips of chaotic skill-driven endgames, and that’s something we’re actively working on to find a solution. “

Unfortunately, at this point, it’s not only unclear when these changes will be released in Caustic, but what exactly will be changed. That said, if more information emerges about any of these unanswered questions, we’ll be sure to update the story with that information.

Apex Legends is available for free on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PC and soon on Nintendo Switch. Click here to learn more about the free to play and popular Battle Royale game.
