Andrea Legarreta raises her voice in defense of Fátima Molina, star of ‘Te acuerdas de mí’

Since You Remember Me started recording, Andrea Legarreta is very present in that production for a special reason: his daughter Nina Rubín Her daughter’s debut in soap operas, in this project he brought the host closer to all the actors and the staff of this story that has been involved in several rumors in recent days, such as the one that indicates that he is about to leave primetime, supposedly because the public’s choice of Fatima Molina as the main character. This issue has caused the name of the actress to monopolize the headlines and several co-stars, such as Gabriel Soto and Carmen Armendáriz herself, producer of the melodrama, spoke about it and gave their unconditional support to the actress.

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Following in the footsteps of Soto and Armendáriz, Andrea Legarreta spoke this morning during a space of the program Today of these allegations and regretted that a person as talented and devoted to her work as Fátima Molina is the subject of such allegations: “ It’s a shame, that’s what we said, it’s sad how he was attacked because now it turns out that if you don’t have certain characteristics or because I don’t like you physically, I attack you? “Legarreta reacted indignantly, who during her visits to the shooting set had the opportunity to see the talent of the protagonist up close.

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Andrea continued to regret that there are people who focus on seizures: “In other words, there is really a sector in society that is very sad”Legarreta’s position was supported by his partner Arath de la Torre who listed the qualities of Fatima: “There is a lot of resentment, there is a lot of hatred and discrimination does not lead us anywhere, it divides us. Besides, she’s beautiful, she’s beautiful, talented “For his part, Paul Stanley He also joined the wave of support for the main character: “She’s breaking with the stereotypes we’ve seen, not just on TV, in movies, everywhere, she’s beautiful, talented and doesn’t deserve that”, finished.

Hoy’s drivers addressed this issue after listening to an interview with Carmen Armendariz, who again raised her voice and defended her protagonist: ‘When they attack like that, it seems terrible that they are so vulgar, now with discrimination, what is this? Where are we?’The producer also spoke about the positive part of this situation, which is the public support of various actors such as Fernanda Castillo Y Sebastian Rulli to Fatima: “That amazes me a lot and I thank you infinitely and also television hosts, of entertainment programs that also support it, so it’s not an insignificant message, you’re talking about discrimination and that’s awful”the producer responded to the morning cameras.

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What did Fatima Molina say?

Before the producer and several actors defended the actress, Fátima raised her voice and used her Facebook account to face the criticism she was the victim of all weekend. The actress gave courage lessons and wrote, “The truth is, I have no idea whether they will change our soap or not. Do you remember me?Primetime, as someone said. I don’t know if it’s just gossip. Much less did I have any idea that some people in the audience say it’s because of me, because of my physique, because I’m a brunette, because I have a birthmark under my eye, because I’m not tall, because I’m ‘very Mexican’ , I did not knowAfter posting this message he received support from his producer who yesterday in an interview with Javier poses He was blunt about the choice of the protagonist: “She accepts herself as she is, I accepted her as she is and Televisa accepted her as she is. I mean, I don’t make the decisions. Televisa told me ‘Oral, let’s take a risk’ and then it goes “, He said.
