Alliance Lima news | Wilmer Aguirre on Alianza Lima in League 2: “It’s not enough with young people, you need experience” | FOOTBALL PERUVIAN

His love for blue and white is not in question. In fact, his dream is to return to Lima Alliance and retire in Hooch. The Gobber located Wilmer Aguirre to talk about the intimate gift. What if he put it in the Competition 2? The “little fox” answered everything, even offering to break in the blue and white to break it in Second division.

What do you think about hiring Carlos Bustos?

He is a coach who already knows the area, he has gained experience. I think it has been a good option. There people thought of coaches who have a history with Alianza, but I think he is a good coach.

Should you support him in a tough tournament like League 2?

It’s a different tournament. Any coach who comes to Alianza needs to be supported as a fan and put in force so that Alianza can return to First, which is where he should be.

How hard is League 2?

I played League 2 in a very difficult year, with few teams, but very difficult, very rough and suddenly it got more interesting because it was very short and there was only one quota. But based on comments and what they tell you when the tournament is normal it’s very complicated because of the trips and stuff. So Alianza won’t have an easy time in Second.

Will everyone play their final against Alianza?

Alianza is the one who will make a lot of history in the Second Division. Obviously all teams will prepare to beat Alianza, every team will prepare for that match.

Did you expect Leao Butrón and Rinaldo Cruzado to leave?

Sometimes you are surprised by what can happen. Alianza descended with them, it was certainly not the way, the best. It’s a shame that while Leao isn’t from the house, it turned out to be a fan to defend the colors. Rinaldo too and it is a shame that they can go out so and more in these moments when they certainly had the illusion of staying, leading Alianza.

Still waiting for the Alliance’s call?

As I have always said, at the end of the year you dream of receiving that call from Alianza to return, if it were up to me I would never have left Alianza. As I’ve always said for Alianza, I’ll always be available because that’s where I want to be and retire. But it doesn’t depend on you.

Have other League 2 teams called you?

Yes, there are calls from Second, but I left it on standby because my priority is to return first.

Can you imagine having to see Alianza in Second?

I have always seen Alianza as a professional, I even scored goals for him and without any problem. You defend the team that can hire you. I am a professional who goes beyond a fan and if I have to compete against Alianza, I will win and score goals.

How do you see the composition of the team so far?

In League 2 you have to look for young people according to the rules and the minute bag, but all teams play with experienced players. It will not be enough for Alianza to play with pure youngsters. We know you have quarries, but in League 2 you need experienced people.

How long did you propose to play?

I’ve always said that even the body says enough. I feel like playing further.

How do you think League 1 is without an alliance?

League 1 without Alliance is going to be a bit difficult. He should start the tournament and watch it without Alliance, without a classic. I don’t know how complicated it could be.

And will League 2 have more expectations?

The teams will be composed according to how to meet Alianza, knowing that because of their trajectory, they have an obligation to move up. The fans will not forgive him. League 2 will certainly pay off with its new tenant.

Can pressure from people have a lot of influence?

Another story would have been Alliance with fans, there would have been more pressure, self-love. We hope Alianza learned the lesson, this year they should be finite.
