Alexandria Ocasio Cortez thought she would lose her life in the assault on the Capitol

Washington DC – Puerto Rican Democratic Congressman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez revealed last night that in the midst of the attack on the Capitol by crowds of President Donald Trump’s supporters, there was a moment when she thought she was going to lose her life.

“I had a very traumatic event and I don’t know if I can fully disclose all the details of that event due to safety concerns. But I can tell you that I had a close encounter where I thought I was going to die. “Ocasio Cortez said during a live broadcast via Instagram of what she described as an attack on democracy led by white racist groups and fueled by President Donald Trump and members of Congress.

Hours before the vote in the federal lower house to impeach the president of the United States instigating the uprising, Congressman Ocasio Cortez – elected by New York’s 14th district and as a new star Liberal Democrat constant target of Trump’s attacks and his allies – stated that “It is no exaggeration to say that many, many members of Congress were nearly killed.”

It is no exaggeration to say. We were lucky that things happened in certain minutes that allowed the members to escape from the room without injury. But many of us narrowly escape death, ”he added.

Following the attack on Congress by crowds of Trump supporters, which caused five deaths and disrupted the constitutional process of counting votes at electoral colleges, Ocasio Cortez, who has entered her second two-year term in the federal lower house, has was several hours without using his social networks.

The congressman highlighted the heroic achievements of the Capitol Federal Police and stressed that officers of black or minority ethnic groups had to face “white supremacists.” But he also said it was clear there were police working with the mobs.

“Not knowing if there is a police officer to help you or to hurt you is very traumatic”, he stated, indicating that since before the attack he had a perception that “something was wrong.”

Ocasio Cortez renewed her request so that in addition to proposing to remove Trump and try to get the Senate not to run for president again, the members of Congress who fueled the gangs and wanted the votes from the electoral college destroy them, like House Republican Minority leaders Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise, and Senators Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley.

“This is how democracy can burn. It’s fragile. We have to appreciate it. And they didn’t. And they don’t. So they have to go. Donald Trump must go. Ted Cruz has to go. Josh Hawley has to go … If they had any grain of integrity … after their lies about this election, they would return their badge … They will never have the respect of this country, never, never, and they should resign, ‘he said.

Unlike others, Ocasio Cortez pointed out that she avoided going to the “safe place” where the congressmen had been taken because it contained Republicans. “White Supremacists”, believers in the QAnon group’s discredited theory or that they weren’t using masks in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

“I didn’t feel safe,” said Ocasio Cortez. She also said she was concerned that a Republican congressman could reveal where she was or create her chances of being “hurt or kidnapped.”

Three House Democrats who took refuge in a room of Republicans who were not wearing masks tested positive for the coronavirus.

In her own webcast, Democratic Congressman Mikie Sherrill (NJ) said Congressional Republicans gave a tour of the Capitol to people who participated in the attack the day before.

Ocasio Cortez described as cowards the three members of President Donald Trump’s cabinet who preferred to resign before asking to declare the White House tenant disqualified from leading the fate of the United States . “The blood of those five people is on their hands,” he said, referring to the victims of the attack on the Capitol.

The Puerto Rican congressman said it was shocking as part of the attack on democracy that the Confederate flag first flew in the Capitol, which never happened even during the American Civil War.
