Aida Pierce accepts that her son was the one posing as an adult to get vaccinated | THE UNMARTY

MEXICO CITY. – It was on social networks that the arrest of two men disguising themselves as seniors to receive the Covid-19 vaccine went viral.

A few hours ago, actress Aida Pierce released a video to the media confirming that her son was one of those posing as an older adult.

Ruben M Zerecero, is an actor and is currently in prison for this offense, for his part, his mother is confident in this process.

Aida stated that her son is in fact being held but that she cannot provide any further explanation at the moment as her lawyers have told her.

She was grateful for the interest and support they have shown her, but added that they are very sorry for everything that happened.

He concluded by thanking him again for the love they have given him, but that at this point he will not be able to answer the phone or messages that have reached him.

In addition, Aida noted that when the time comes, she and her son will provide the necessary explanations to the media, but it is a very difficult situation at the moment.

On this note
