AGDQ 2021 raises $ 2.7 million for charities

Great games done fast 2021 is packed after a full week of running. The event turned out to be an impressive one $ 2,764,437 for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. This is the second highest amount raised from AGDQ, beaten only by last year’s total more than $ 3 million.

AGDQ 2021 was held online this time because of the ongoing covid-19 pandemic. Participants streamed games from their own homes while viewers watched online. This year’s event had some exciting highlights. Two different ones at the beginning of the week Sonic world records were set by two different speedrunners, back to back.

Another runner defeated all Celeste c-side levels using a Dance Dance Revolution dance mat. I still can’t get my head around it. The run also started with a cheat code that unlocks all levels in the game.

Another great run took place in a called game Mr. Bones, a lot of people probably haven’t played or even heard of it. The run took place during AGDQ’s annual “Awful Games Done Quick” block. This is part of the event where, as the name implies, people are playing horrible games very quickly. The run was so much fun to see that it helped our own Ash Parrish cope a little better with last week’s horrific events.

I’ve always been a big fan of it Halo speedruns, and this year we got a great one Halo 3 speedrun in the game’s recently released PC port. To grow up, Halo 3 was a game that took me over a week to beat; it was great to see someone break the game in less than an hour and fifteen minutes, using various gravity hammer and grenade tricks. The young teenager Zack wouldn’t believe it.

If you want to feel tired and sore, watch this speed run Defeat Saber on expert +. Runner Kungfufruitcup does a great job of explaining the game and then making it look easy on the hardest difficulty. Perhaps the best part of this speed run is at the beginning, when halfway through the first track of the run and in the middle of dozens of notes, she says within seconds, “We’re starting off a little simple.”

AGDQ 2021 has uploaded all speed runs on its YouTube channelso you can easily watch all of these runs or countless others whenever you want. You can also still donate to the event.

GDQ is already teasing this year upcoming Summer Games Done Quick event and will have more information to share at a later date.

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