“After a long time without noticing that I worked there for 20 years”

15/04/2021 – 13:52 hrs (GMT-4)

The Cuban Humorist Ulises Toirac reappeared on Cuban television in the airing of a chapter of the popular children’s space The yellow umbrella, in which he played Don Quixote de la Mancha, and after a long time without appearing on the small screen, in which he worked for two decades.

“And after a long time without noticing on Cuban TV that I worked there for 20 years, today they dusted off an excellent character that I made for ‘La Sombrilla Amarilla’, Don Quixote de la Mancha,” Toirac wrote together. with different images of the program.

The humorist, who is occasionally in The yellow umbrella In playing various characters, he also regretted that “they were never recognized enough to make one of the most spectacular programs on Cuban television of all time.”

“Thanks to your production team for so many dreams and so much joy and so much wonder.

During the 20 years that he worked for Cuban television, Ulises Toirac worked on programs such as Sabadazo And what makes you laugh? Do you swear to tell the truth?, in addition to other musical and humor programs, as well as participation in the films Alice in Wonderland Town, Lovely Lies Y A king in Havana, in addition to Chivichana The Movie

A few years ago, Toirac criticized the increase in the censorship of humor on Cuban television: “What was published yesterday is counterrevolutionary today”, he affirmed, which is why humor in the country is far from flourishing.

At the time, he also referred to the oblivion to which many Cuban makers and artists are subjected and the in many cases insignificant rewards of their work: “It is worth saying that Cuban television has been broadcasting hundreds of programs for years. Tell the truth? without paying the authors a cent. “

Last year, with regard to the expulsion of actor Andy Vázquez – Facundo, in Live the story– from Cuban television, Toirac assured the state media “he will not leave his maze”

The comedian zealously shares his views on the realities of Cuba and uses his humor to put the point on many of the government’s measures and decisions.

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