Afraid to leave Eduardo Yáñez has cancer, they say

Recently, news came that beloved Mexican actor Eduardo Yáñez was undergoing surgery to remove some stones in his kidney, the famously feeling tremendous relief after his major aches and pains subsided; his relief was short-lived, however, as they say they found out he has cancer.

It was an intense pain in his back that warned him Eduardo Yáñez Luévano that there was something wrong with his kidneys and when he checked it went on to remove the stones that were causing these discomfort, but what he thought would be the end of his nightmare was just the beginning; Well, Destilando Amor’s protagonist has something else.

According to TVyNotas, the doctors found abnormalities in the kidneys of the film and television actor and when in doubt, they preferred to do a biopsy, the pathology result was very difficult: Eduardo Yanez I would get kidney cancer.

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An alleged close source shared with the magazine that the former Angélica Rivera co-star does not want to disclose this situation because he is very reluctant, so the advanced status of his situation is unknown; What is known, however, is that the famous Televisa He took the courage to ask his doctors what’s next.

The source added that Yáñez will receive chemotherapy, radiotherapy; and you can even have a kidney removed completely. The actor is determined to receive treatment to face cancer and move on with his life and his projects.

Despite this situation, the person insured the magazine from which the actor comes True loves He is afraid of leaving very soon and this is something that has put him in a very strong depression. He assured that the soap star will most likely deny facing illness because he doesn’t like to feel sorry.

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The person who claims to be a friend of Eduardo Yáñez points out that “everything came together”, convinced that grief, courage and others are destroying the celebrities; as well as other problems. The actor had to cope with the loss of his mother last year and has had some other financial problems.

As for cancer, he pointed out that it is quiet that the handsome television star related his back pain to a fall he had in 2007 and later, to kidney stones; Ultimately, this was what led him to a diagnosis, the diagnosis that he fears so much.

Yáñez is one of the most famous faces in telenovelas, the actor began to shine on the screen at a young age, attracting the attention of viewers for his bravery and enormous personality. Recently, a confrontation started over the ward where he lives, which they say belonged to Don Ernesto Alonso.

Señor Telenovela’s heiress points out that Eduardo took over the apartment and that it actually belongs to him, so he demands that it be removed from the place. The close friendship between Eduardo Yáñez and Ernesto Alonso has generated a lot of conversation and there are even those who say that it was the producer who made the young Yáñez famous.

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Although the famous has a great career in film and television, his most loyal followers remember him more Distilling love, in which he became a partner of Seagull, a character who rose to fame, incarnated by Angélica Rivera, who became Mexico’s First Lady after that soap opera.

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Another of the telenovelas hugely remembered is Amores Verdaderos, in which she gave birth to Érika Buenfil’s bodyguard and where she also shared credits with Eiza González and Sebastián Rulli.
