Advance date December 17th

Ciudad de México /

All first operations and precio del dólar hoy jueves es de hasta 20.28 pesos and bancos. En tanto, the cambio interbancario se ubica at 19.78 pesos per dólar, with a ganancia of 0.19 por ciento.

Citibanamex vende el dólar at 20.28 pesos, mientras que Banorte lo hace en 20.40, BBVA México and 20.08, Santander and 19.88 y Banco Azteca and 19.66 unidades.

The queue is a consecutive impulse from a mayor and has a wait-and-see influence on a new tax plan and a city government.

¿Cómo to tipo de cambio?

Banco Base explicit and a report with a quote of a higher level and a higher level of the probability of the price and a new fiscal package for a given fiscal budget.

Además, in the canasta amplia de principales cruces, todas las divisas ganan terreno esta mañana, con el peso mexicano ubicándose en de posición 17, evidenciando que la apreciación del peso and parte de un movimiento general del mercado.

The pillar of the goal line is 0.44 of the time, it is a consecutive sequence of consecutive digits from 1.14 to a semana.

Rounding, raising the salary minimum no result and an effect on financing financing in Mexico.

Dólar and tiempo real

El euro see a ventanilla at a maximum of 24.75 pesos and a price at 24.28 pesos. Por su parte, la Libra esterlina see oferta at 26.96 pesos and looking for 26.96 pesos.

El Banco de México (Banxico) was registered on the previous month at 19.95 pesos per day.

Con información de Reuters


The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.
