Advance date December 15th

All the first operaciones and precio del dólar hoy martes es de hasta 20.70 pesos and banknotes. En tanto, the cambio interbancario se ubica at 20.19 pesos per dólar, with a una ganancia of 0.24 por ciento.

Citibanamex vende el dólar at 20.70 pesos, mientras que BBVA México lo hace en 20.49, Banorte and 20.40, Santander and 20.23 j Banco Azteca and 20.01 unidades.

The peso with the consecutive consecutive cuatro-caídas, the last and the weakened length of the queue Estados Unidos a new tax burden for a crisis in the coronavirus.

¿Cómo va el tipo de cambio?

Banco Base explicit and a reporting of the global lender, especially of the money market of capital.

Eating a newcomer with a retroces of 0.16 of the ciento, it’s a Mexican food and an ubica como la cuarta divisa más apreciada, with the esterlina scales with 0.35 of the ciento, and the sudafricano concentrating on 0.32 of the Japanese with 0.30 por ciento.

The optimization of the sale is now available with the expected expectation and the City Institutions and a new tax package. Republican Mitch McConnell has a prize of $ 748 million to his name.

All the interior of the package includes 300 million euros for one-time use, a relocation of the program of the checks (PPP by means of signatures and inglés), 180 million for an extra layer for an extra, 45 million for an extra aerolíneas y 82 mil millones destinados a la educación, entre otros apoyos.

Dólar and tiempo real

El euro see a ventanilla at a maximum of 25.07 pesos and a price at 24.52 pesos. Por su parte, la Libra esterlina see price at 26.97 pesos and on price at 26.97 pesos.

El Banco de México (Banxico) recorded a period of 20.17 pesos per day.

Con información de Reuters

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.

The fact is, you don’t have to worry.
