A Tesla Model 3 was stuck with a supercharger and no Tesla support

Car problems are worthless. Being stranded because an old beater breaks is bad. Being stranded in one new car is worse, but stranded in a new one Tesla would surpass either. This poor driver Florida, whose Tesla Model 3 was tied to a Supercharger, knows all about it.

The driver was unable to disconnect his Model 3 from the charging station and found himself temporarily attached to the charger for hours after stopping. when his Model 3 was only 15 percent charged. The driver says he received “an error message [and] from there it went downhill. “

This may be a bit more stuck than stranded, but it’s a case of vehicle breakdown anyway, which will ruin someone’s night and the next morning for this Tesla driver, it seems.

The driver set up his fiasco Reddit’s largest Tesla sub, r / TeslaMotorsThe community there was more supportive than the actual Tesla support, trying unsuccessfully to resolve the issue over the phone. They finally said the driver that help would not be available ‘for at least a few hours’.

Fellow Tesla drivers and Reddit users recommended using the manual release and shared their tips and tricks on how to deal with a stubborn charger link. A lot of drivers had their own version of this story, and I wonder what the average failure rate is for these things.

The driver took over some of the comments and followed the instructions, but unfortunately that only made things worse after the manual release mechanism seemed to breakalso. It only seemed to get worse for the driver as the hours passed.

I would have gotten sick at this point with a stubborn charger and broken manual release. I mean that’s the failsafe! What do you do if the failsafe breaks?

A hard reboot suggested by the Reddit readers didn’t work either, and the driver got the terrible news that his Model 3 would get stuck overnight, as help wouldn’t be available until the next morning. I know roadside assistance companies sometimes hedge their bets and say it will take them hours to come out, but much sooner. But that was not the case here. The Tesla owner has one Updating today share how the car released easily the next morning:

9:30 am Update: came back to check the car, it was fully charged and unplugged without any issues. Contact Tesla now to suggest they turn off that charger until someone can look at it. I will also drop off the car at a service center to be checked as soon as possible.

And remember, the solution was not due to Tesla’s support or service. The car came loose by itself. And as it turned out, its manual unlock nafu was reversible, though I’d still be looking at that.

The driver stated that despite being in a big city with his own Tesla service center, he didn’t hear from Tesla until 11:30 the next morning after their first troubleshooting call. The driver shared the following with Jalopnik:

I wanted to highlight the issue because I really think the future of transportation is in electric cars. But when all these systems get so complex that we can’t fix them ourselves, we put our trust in the companies to support us when we need it. This was a brand new car with 2,500 miles on it. and the best recommendation they had was to just leave it in a random parking lot and go home for the night. There’s no reason why support should take 15 hours to handle something as critical as this.
