a Kamaz truck hits a Lada

| 19/12/2020 – 4:46 PM (GMT-4)

On Saturday, a traffic accident occurred in Havana, near the pedestrian crossing of the Primero de Mayo district, in the municipality of Boyeros, where a Lada car was hit by a Russian Kamaz truck from Holguín.

The event was reported in the Facebook group ‘BUSES & CAMIONES ACCIDENTS due to more experience and fewer victims!’, By user Roberto García, who published images revealing the damage to the car.

BUS & TRUCK ACCIDENTS for more experience and less casualties! / Facebook

Despite serious bad luck, the driver of the Lada only suffered a few blows, according to a member of the group.

Another witness to the incident reported that the Lada driver stopped correctly at the pedestrian crossing, but apparently the truck driver, who did not know the area, did not know there was a passage there and, although he tried to avoid the vehicle, he could don’t do that.

According to the identification on the door label, the truck belongs to the Cooperativa de Crédito y Servicios (CCS) Miguel Expósito, of the municipality of Gibara.

In recent days, trucks have been involved in several accidents in Cuba. This week one it turned over in Santiago de Cuba after going off the road, in the part that goes from Dos Palmas to Pilón. Fortunately, there were no deaths or injuries.

It all happened while climbing a hill, the vehicle’s engine shut down and it rolled. Without sufficient experience, the driver could not prevent the accident.

A crash caused one in early December motorcycle ends up under a Hyundai truck. The incident took place at the intersection of Avenida Infanta and Calle Neptuno, in Centro Habana.

There were no deaths on that occasion, but witnesses said the couple riding the motorcycle were injured and should be taken to hospital.

In the first eight months of this year, almost 100 people died in Cuba in 2,571 road accidents related to bicycles, motorcycles and mopeds, according to data from the National Road Safety Commission.

The main causes of these events are the lack of respect for the right of way, speeding, the poor technical condition of the vehicles, the drinking of alcoholic beverages and the lack of attention while driving.

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