a fast, fat-burning and very intense routine

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High intensity training or, as it is better known, the HIIT training (High Intensity Interval Training) is a type of short-term job for which it is intended exercise anaerobic stamina alternately intense and short work periods with also short breaks.

Total activity time can vary from 4 to 30 minutes. Together with the warm-up and the final stretches, it can take up to an hour.

Lately he has become very famous in the community fitness because of its many benefits. Among them we can highlight:

  • Improvement at the cardiovascular level.
  • Greater impact on aerobic capacity.
  • Increased use of fats after exercise (calorie burning can remain active up to 24 hours after each workout).
  • Strength-endurance level adjustments.
  • Helps better balance cholesterol and insulin levels.

Tabata routine

There are many types of HIIT workouts. In this article we will develop one of the most famous, the Tábata, in which 8 series are performed, each of 20 seconds of very intense work with 10 seconds of restThe activity time is 4 minutes and the sensations at the end should be muscle exhaustion with oxygen deprivation.

Here is an example of Tábata training with four exercises that do not require equipment:

  • To skip: Static run by raising the knees to hip height.
  • Scaler: Plank position that alternately brings the knees to the chest.
  • Jumping Jack: coordinated exercise of arms and legs, both opening and closing at the same time at great speed.
  • Modified burpees: jump with the arms up, fall into a squatting position, stretch both legs back at the same time, pick them up again and get up (start again).

In this way, a sequence of 20 seconds would be skipped and 10 seconds of rest would be done; 20 “from Climber and 10” from Rest; 20 “from Jumping Jack and 10” from Rest; and 20 ”of Burpees and 10” rest. After this final pause, the four exercises would be repeated following the same instructions.

Cool down and stretch

Remember this type of training should running at high intensity and it should only be repeated two to three times a week (depending on the condition) with 48 or 72 hours of rest between sessions, because of the supersaturation that occurs in the exercised muscles.

* Iván Morales Martín is the founder of the blessed agujeta.
