A couple who met through Animal Crossing: New Horizons are now engaged

Millions of people spent time with Animal Crossing: New Horizons during the quarantine. It’s a great way to experience a little bit of normalcy and hang out virtually with friends and family. Apparently it’s also a great way to maintain a relationship.

Steven Brown picked up a Switch and Animal Crossing: New Horizons at the start of the pandemic to take his mind off and relax a bit. He got caught up in the game, which eventually led to him posting a Facebook group with other fans. Brown had collected a lot of clocks and wanted to share them with some virtual friends. A stranger in the Facebook group decided to accept the offer, so they virtually met for the exchange.

Instead of passing the clocks and stopping it, the stranger Brown met took him on a tour of her island. That led to a friendship that only grew over the months. The two continued to meet and text each other in-game, which eventually paved the way for a more serial relationship. The two grew so close that they met in person, which of course went pretty well!

The two are now engaged, all thanks to their mutual love for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Now the question is … will the wedding be in person or in Animal Crossing ?!
