A 4.5 degree earthquake shakes El Salvador and is felt in southern Honduras

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.-In recent days, several earthquakes have shaken the communities of El Salvador. The most recent – of 4.5 degrees on the Richter scale – was recorded Saturday in San Salvador, the capital of the country ruled by Here’s to watch.

The earthquake not only hit the neighboring country, but was also noticeable in the south of Honduras.

The Permanent emergency committee (Copeco) announced via Twitter at 9:42 AM that “a magnitude 4.5 earthquake in San Miguel, El Salvador’s sister republic, may be felt in southern Honduras.”

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No material damage has been reported in either country so far.

On December 15, an earthquake of 5.5 degrees on the Richter scale shook west Puerto Lempira, Honduras.

Seismic zone

Last week – on Friday and Saturday – three earthquakes with magnitudes of 4.1, 4.2 and 2.5 shook El Salvador.

The first took place at 9:44 PM off the coast of La Libertad, 44 kilometers south of El Sunzal beach.

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The second was at 11:02 PM in the municipality of Ciudad Arce in the department of La Libertad, with an epicenter about 22 kilometers from Santa Tecla. It had a magnitude of 2.5.

The third took place a few minutes later, at 11:08 PM off the coast of the department of La Paz, 12 kilometers southwest of Las Hoja beach, with a magnitude of 4.1.

+ What should you do before, during and after an earthquake?
