4-year-old discovers 220 million-year-old dinosaur footprint in Wales

Four-year-old Lily Wilder was out walking her dog with her father when she made an unusual discovery on a beach in Wales after spotting a perfectly preserved dinosaur footprint left 220 million years ago. The area is a protected site known for its fossils, but no one had previously noticed this imprint which, according to the Welsh authorities, was perfectly visible to the child on a low rock. The rock will be taken to the National Museum Cardiff and Wilder’s name will be listed as the official “finder”.

Wilder, who, according to her mother, loves dinosaurs, described the find. “It was on a low rock, shoulder height in front of Lily, and she just saw it and said, ‘Look, Daddy,’” her mom Sally Wilder, 41, told NBC News. “She’s very excited but doesn’t quite understand how great it is.”

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